Sunday, June 1, 2008


Did I mention that monsoon season is starting tomorrow? Well, not tomorrow- I read in the newspaper that it would be two days late. The average rainfall will be 825 mm with a max along the coastline of 1326 mm. Wow, that's more than 55 inches! I cannot imagine that much rain. Should I bring some back to drought-stricken Georgia with me?


Things are slow here. I left the guest house at 9:40, arrived at the airport at 10:55, checked in at 11:55, got through emigration at 12:40, and passed security at 12:55. We are to start boarding at 1:25, just a little more than 10 minutes from now. In fact, they are starting the announcements right now. (I'm in the last group to board.) Whoops! "10 minutes" goes by fast; they are starting to board!