Friday, May 30, 2008

A long week, a bright future(?)

This second week has been very busy, with me working 12 hours a day just about every day. Add commuting time on top of that and it makes a man tired. But I've gotten to know the people in the Bangalore office a lot better and know that Manhattan's Architecture is in good hands here.

We've had a lot of resignations in the Bangalore office. We've lost 6 of the top 15 people since the beginning of the year, and there are rumors that others will go as well. While it is definitely a blow, no one can tell what the future holds and whether the people that step into those positions can and will transform the India operations into the center of our organization. Not that I'm saying that's what we're trying to do, but one never knows...

1 comment:

Stan Finley said...

never knows...never knows...never knows...