Saturday, May 31, 2008

Good Night and Good Luck

Well, the driver got here 45 minutes before I asked him to, and I've already made him wait a half hour while I phoned home to say g'bye to my family. I will be incommunicado for about 27 hours while I go to the airport, wait for my flight, yada yada yada. Most international flights leave Bangalore between 10 PM and 3 AM; I'm in the "late middle" of that, at 1:55 AM. But been reading the paper this week, and the new airport has had its share of hiccups. Yesterday they lost all computers at checkin and had to manually check everyone, ~10 minutes per person. Lines backed up something fierce. I'm willing to leave waaay early to avoid missing this flight. I am eager to get home.

So, this is the last entry until I'm stateside. Probably. They have wireless at the airport... :)

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